Thursday 30 December 2021

4 credit report mistakes you must avoid

 A credit score represents your financial health, so it's important to develop adequate credit practices to construct and retain a sound credit record.

It's equally essential to understand and dodge common credit blunders that can hide your headway and also harm your credit score for the long term. As you know about the additional aspects that impact your credit score, you'll have a fair possibility of accomplishing your credit goals. Sometimes due to chaos, negligence, or ignorance, credit errors occur.

Have a look at 4 of some really common credit mistakes, to avoid them in future:

1. Not keeping a check on your annual credit reports

Don’t presume that your credit is in adequate condition just because your credit score was great when you later applied for a loan. There could be blunders on your credit report that you might have neglected some or the other time.

Blunders in your credit report can harm your credit score and boost the interest on your loans. Hence, make it a practice to inspect your credit report every month and dispute the mistakes, if any, with the credit departments directly.

2. Delaying payments

If you missed a payment by more than a month, then your credit score gets extremely affected. Hence, you must adhere to the schedule every month to assure you make payments on time.

Put a reminder or automated pays for loan and credit card settlements.

3. Only paying the minimum amount every month

The higher the credit you drag, the more rate of interest you end up spending. Hence, it’s adequate to settle the credit totally every month. But if you are financially fit, then don’t just pay the basic minimum amount, either pay your whole credit each month or pay the maximum you can to settle.

4. Sealing a credit card

Holding more than one credit card is a good idea until you utilise your credit cards smartly and soundly.

If you seal a credit card, specially your old card, you lessen the length of your credit record, boost your credit utilisation proportion and lessen your credit score.

These points are some of the most typical credit errors people do. Before applying for a loan or credit card, make sure that you see the offers from multiple lenders and providers to reach a sound conclusion. And constantly work on enhancing your credit score if you want more profitable discounts. The faster you form adapt these practices and dodge credit mistakes, the effortless it will be to resume those manners over time. 

If you are looking for the best debt collection agency or best debt collection services, hire our experts today!

Sunday 26 December 2021

5 Effective steps for success debt recovery

 Debt recovery is necessary to improve cash flow. In debt recovery, a third party acts on behalf of the creditor to recoup the money owed by the debtor. In simple words, Even after being contacted by the creditor if the debts are not paid off then the creditors enlist third-party debt collection services to help recover the debts. 

Every Industry has its way of performing debt recovery.

Here are 5 effective steps to efficiently recover debts:

1. Have Detailed Information:

Before having initial contact with the customers, it is necessary to know every detail about the customer which includes the name of the company, location of the customer, past experiences, and work history of the accounts. Also, have copies of all the invoices and other information that would help you create a personal connection with them.

2. Avoid conflict and visualisation:

Debt recovery is not easy. We must acquire skills to note when the debtor acts reasonably. Your intuition might work perfectly here, for instance, if the debtor blames other people then you must have a word with them and clarify the same immediately, and based on what the other person is saying you can know if he is being honest or not.


3. Have quality documentation:

One of the most important aspects of debt collection services is documentation. Documentation helps in determining accounts collectability. While talking about debt recovery take a detailed note to avoid future disputes. Having all personal information about the customers might increase your chances for debt recovery. Also, we must have account statements, personal guarantees, credit reports, and copies of invoices.

4. Stop assuming and Start communicating:

Credit reports India says debt collections have assumed that the debts have not been paid. but we must never forget that  

there may be a potential future business with the customers. Therefore, we must be very careful with the tone and word usage. communication must be going on even if the customer is not able to pay off the debt currently yet, he might be able to pay you sooner or later. Effective communication plays an important role in debt collection services. 

5. The course of action:

Last but not least, By now you must have known that debt recovery is not easy and if the debtors had money it would not be difficult to recover debts. Now that they are not able to pay off the debts, have effective communication and work on a plan that would benefit both parties. 

Debt recovery is day by day becoming difficult. Consider the above techniques, it would surely lead you to a successful debt recovery.

For any further queries, connect our experts at +91-9810010294 or visit our website.