Monday 30 September 2019

Benefits of Technology in Debt Collection

The debt collection agency is an organization of specialists, who get the list of payees from the banks or from large companies and do the collection work on their behalf. Here all the collection practices developed are well tested. The primary role of the 3rd Party Debt Collection agency is to collect AR – Account Receivable

All the employees focus on calls, remind, visit actual borrowers and make them pay the due bills. Agencies use different ways to reach to the debtors and communicate with them about the debt, for that they use calls, SMS, Emails, letters, and sometimes personal visits. And to achieve operational efficiency they use proper processes and use of technology. Here are some of the benefits of technology in Debt collection,

Benefits of Technology in Debt Collection

1. Data Collection

All the collected data imported into the system by using. CSV or Excel Files.
For data transfer, the best way is to have a secured API link between the two systems. As with the help of using the API, it eliminates data duplication and chances of data leakage.

2. Assignment of Calls

Here the admin configures criteria on which the CRM software automatically call the agents.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

How 3rd Party Debt Collection Agency Help you in Tracing a Missing Debtor

Bad Debt Collection is becoming one of the main problems for many small businesses. Overall it isn’t always possible to recover payments. Especially when it becomes difficult to hold the customer. When your posted letters are returned, phone calls ring unanswered or emails to bounce, it shows that now you need to call in the help of a Bad Debt collection agency

Before your debt reaches the critical stage make sure you take some various actions to prevent gone-aways in the first place. You can also avoid debt problems by setting up accounts correctly at the beginning of any transactional relationship. If you are struggling to track your debtor, the expert of 3rd party Debt Collection offers some useful advice on confirming if your customer has genuinely disappeared or not.

1. In the beginning, you should contact the royal mail to know if your debtors are still at the address you have. Mostly when people relocate, give their local post office a forwarding address, as this will require a signature of the resident.

2. Try to call on all the phone numbers you have, such as direct line, past mobile numbers, current mobile numbers. And try to speak to the debtor to verify the contact details. You can also try to call at different times of the day and call from different numbers. Read more...

Thursday 12 September 2019

5 ways of Debt collection to speed up your Account Receivable Process

It is common for any small business or for a startup to focus on net income as most of them think that it is the logical way to gauge the soundness of his business operations. But the fact is, an income statement only relate a company’s revenue to its expenses, it doesn’t show available cash in a business. But having an ample cash flow allows you to buy or sell anything to generate more income. Small businesses that manage their accounts receivable have one decided formalized process to collect the account receivable and to increase the cash flow. 

Here are 5 tips to improve your AR collection process by debt collection services providers.

1. Place Due Dates on Everything
Every invoice and statement you send to your clients or debtors should always contain up-to-date information about all the details such as how much they own to you, the due amount, late payment period, and such other things.

2. Send Your Invoice at the Start
Many companies bill their customers after the services have been provided to them, and then they give 30 days to pay and later they wait another 30 days to pays and after that attempt to collect due bills payment. Each week you wait for your money, it reduces the chances of recovering. Read more...

Thursday 5 September 2019

5 Things that can Affect the Finance of your Business

A lot of entrepreneurs think that they own an independent business but it is not the truth. The finance of your company mostly dependent on other companies, and some other relevant factors, then you like to admit. One of them is your connection with your clients and customers. If the clients and customers stop paying bills, it can create a huge impact on the finance of your business bottom line. 

As per expert Debt Collection Agency, here are five areas which often overlooked as the reasons for financial stress for your businesses.

1. Weather
This one is special for businesses who’re connected with import-export. Such things like storms and hurricanes cause problems it can affect anything from crop prices to transportation. The best thing you can do is keep an eye on which way the wind is blowing for your targeted customers and suppliers.

2. Hiring
Every employee you hire is both an investment as well as a risk in your business. Keep eye on who and how your suppliers and clients are hiring. And if you find that they are not hiring and training good employees, this could be a warning sign for your business. In that case, the only best thing you can do it contact any 3rd party Debt Collection agency who can handle your debt collection. Read more...