Thursday, 30 May 2019

What is Credit Report? How Debts Collections Affect your Credit Score

What is Credit Report?

It is a summary of all your credit history, and other reported information to credit bureaus by your creditors. A creditor or lenders use this report in their decision-making process to decide if they need to extend the credit for business or not. This report contains all the list of your present and past credit accounts details and loans reported by financial institutions. The Credit Reports also used by rental or insurance companies to make risk decisions.

For that, it is important to check credit score regularly to ensure that all the information are correct.

Credit Reports

How debt collection affects your credit

Reality is that an account in collections will be noted on your report of credit and it is a major red flag to the bureaus of credit. Unpaid bills or debt can indicate you may be not responsible with your finances. Once a collection finds your report of credit, your score of credit can drop severely. Your credit score drop is dependent on how recent the collection is.

Read More: "Credit Reports"

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

How Cash Flow is King in Business

What is Cash Flow?

Cash flow plays a role as blood in any business, it comes from sources like sales of goods or services, receipt of a loan, investment from an investor, or interest on savings. Cash to run business is important as later it becomes the payment for raw materials, employees, rent and other things that make your business run. Mainly positive cash flow is preferred in the business. It means a business is running smoothly. Better cash flow allows you to make a more and more new investment to grow your business.

Business Information Report

Every business wants to earn more and more profit by offering best quality goods or services to their clients. It makes good business sense to then invest that money back into the business. It can provide a more comprehensive list of services and offer or manufacture better products for their clients. The profit also invested back into the people who work for the business to ensure they are rewarded for their work, this will ensure that clients are then receiving the level of service they would expect. In short, a lack of Cash Flow can be an obstacle in your business growth and lead to more stress. Restricted cashflow limits the growth opportunities for your business.

For More Information Just one Click on “Business Information Report

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

How to Recover International Debt

With a rapidly growing economy, every business is experiencing an unfortunate scenario. There are many customers who refuse to pay bills and ignores reminders or chances they are given to settle the account. Especially when it comes to dealing with global clients recovering International Debts can be daunting. As each country have different collection laws and many of them can be complex.

Debt Recovery

Here are some of the way to Recover International Debt.

A written claim or a call is enough as proof. Sometimes the customers who have been speaking English during the transportation contract, at a time of debt collection pretend unable to speak any foreign language. Also quite often debtors ignore creditors calls as they know that it is most likely that creditor would not start a legal procedure due to the lack knowledge of debtors country laws, litigation process and the need to find qualified lawyers. Here you can use the local representative, simple claim written in debtor’s local language works well. Also, it is worth reminding during the call or in the written claim that they need to pay not only debts but also they require to pay the expenses incurred during the debt recovery process.
Read More: “Debt Recovery

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Difference Between Bad Debt & Good Debt

Debt is debt no matter how big or some or how you look at it or how you want to look at it. Money owed is debt, whether it is for investment, education or purchasing any property. Most of us cannot live debt free, mainly there are two types of debt, “good” debt and “bad” debt.

Bad Debt Collection

Good Debt - Amount which you spent on assets which will appreciate in value and also increase your wealth.
Bad Debt – Amount which you spent on consumer items and it also depreciates in value.

Good Debt

Good debt is mostly used to build long term wealth and make financial sense. For example, a home loan or a student loan, these expenses allow you to gain a qualification which enables investment in your future career. One of the best ways to use debt is borrowing to invest in an asset like property or shares. It generates income and grows in value.

Bad Debt

Bad debt includes money you borrow as personal loans and credit cards to pay for day-to-day expenses, holidays or an asset like a car. Some may argue that a loan for a home can be considered as a bad debt compared to a load for an investment property.

Read More: "Bad Debt Collection

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Which one Choose: Debt Collection Agency OR Law Office

If your phone calls, letter writing, and personal meeting have all failed to resolve a debt issue, it’s time to contact in a professional, a lawyer or a Debt Collection Agency specializing in the collection of debt. The most preferable choice to collect a pending debt is a collection agency. They come in all sizes, local, specialize and others are national in scope. Depends on the volume of business you require, the cost of debt collection varies on that.

Debt Collection Agency

A Debt Collection Agency in India is aided by special computers, phone systems, and software to automate the process and make it more effective and profitable in retrieving payment on delinquent accounts. Numbers of latter will be generated, sternly warning of the consequences of ignoring multiple payments so, the phone calls will be made to deliver the same message.