Monday, 25 February 2019

What Happens If You Stop Paying Your Debts?

If you default on a loan, credit card or your monthly internet, you run the risk of having your account sent to a debt collection agency. As the debt collection, the third party companies who hired to pursue firms unpaid debts. If you don’t know which consequences you might face, there are plenty of unpleasant scenarios that could come out. Some people don’t want to pay or some are not capable to pay collection agencies, which ends on debt collection calls and other more things. Before you or your company because of the lack of account receivables outsourcing Comes in the situation where you decide not to pay off debt, make sure you know these things,
Debt Collection Agency

Usually, after 60 days of an unpaid debt or nonpayment of debt a company or a person will go to a debt collection company they might send you the letter within the 180 days periods. After 180 days it’s likely that your account in collections has been reported which might result you in getting marked on your account. Once it happens, it can be impossible to rent a home or get a loan. Here not even AR outsourcing companies can help you.

Now you can imagine that ignoring paying off your debt can cause you financial damage even if you’re not actually paying it off. For the first six months, your credit score will drop such as 100 points. How low your credit score will go is depends on how high it was before. Also, if you don’t pay the debt, your ability to borrow money in the future will become less. Which might harm you while buying any property such as house or plot.

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Thursday, 21 February 2019

5 ways to Successfully Collect on a Small Business Debt

Few things in business are more frustrating than dealing with a client who won’t pay or delay in payment for product or services that you provided. At some point, every company faces the situation where a client doesn’t pay on time, can’t afford to pay the full amount for services or refuses to pay altogether. Keep Business Information Report so in the future situation like this you can successfully collect or recover your money back with this 5 ways,
Business Information Report

1. Stay Calm
When you provide services to the client and they don’t pay you on time, it is obvious that feel upset. But it’s imperative that you take a breath and stay calm. With the anger, you close the door of getting your money back. The client will feel your wrath, and they may take it personally and won’t cooperate with you which increase the time for debt collection process. Say mentally strong, put the smile on your face, receive each an every call as it was your first call of a very good day with the positive response the chances of debt collection increases.
2. Document Everything
It is important to document everything in a small business debt collection situation. With this ability to document can become helpful for you in future. Keep your phone call on record and take notes of every important conversation, keep a copy of every letter and emails.
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Tuesday, 12 February 2019

How to Deal With Medical Debt Collection

Medical bills are somethings almost we all have had to deal with at some point in time in our life. Paying off your medical debt is sometimes difficult because it charges can come up unexpectedly. Also If you have insurance, sometimes you have to wait to see how much your insurance company is going to pay. And sometimes the whole process can take days and months and by that time the Medical Debt could already be in collects. If you don’t have enough money to cover surprise hospital bills the best way to get help is contacting the best debt collection agency or debt collection services, provider.

debt collection

Here are Some Other Options to Deal with Medical Debt Collection,

Set up a Payment Plan

Not all the time you have to make a payment in full. You can also make a payment plan with the doctor, hospital or the Debt Collection Agency. As long as you’re making the payments on the account it will keep it off your credit report.

Negotiate a Payment Plan

If your hospital bill is huge and your insurance isn’t covering it all, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to pay the all amount in one lump sum. In cases like this, it’s better to contact your healthcare provider’s billing department and communicate with them regarding your financial situation. Share the required details with them, with the help of them, you can reach a reasonable monthly payment that you can manage and which will satisfy the hospital or doctors accountants.

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Sunday, 10 February 2019

The Best Debt Collection Agency in India – Debt Nirvana

Collecting a debt especially in India can be an impossible task. As there are language and cultural barriers, customs, and foreign laws all impose serious challenges. To solve debt or to recover the debt in India is simpler when you hire a Debt Collection Agency in India, who knows all the laws and customs of the country. Debt Nirvana an Indian Debt Collection Agency offers on the ground representatives in India, they understand the debt collection practices to support full recovery of your pending funds.

Debt Collection Agency

Debt Nirvana is a young and dynamic professional service provider. The organization started with an Ex-Google employee. Being as a Debt Collection Agency in India, we offered service including Debt Recovery Collection Service, Credit Risk Mitigation, Enterprise Risk Advisory Services and much more. The special staff of Debt Nirvana has 25+ years of experience in MNCs such as Google, Bharti Airtel, Honeywell, LG Electronics and more.

The expert team has wide experience in Debt Collection Service, Credit Analysis/Monitoring, Industry Reports, Credit Risk Management, Business information Reports, Enterprise Risk Management, Debt Recovery Services.

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