Sunday, 29 April 2018

4 Tips to Uplift your Debt Recovery Process | Bad Debt Recovery

Bad debt recovery is a problem that occurs if you do not enforce credit terms on your consumers. Research shows that more than 80% of small businesses experienced cash flow problem. Thus, it is important for your business to be prepared to collect bad debt quickly and effectively. Here, we are sharing 4 important tips that might help you to speed up your debt recovery process. 

  Make sure customers agree your credit terms 

To quickly collect your outstanding debt, you will need to make sure that you are well prepared before and during business transactions. To do this, you have to make sure that you have several pending items before proceeding with your debt collection. Before entering into a commercial transaction or a loan agreement, you should ensure that your trading terms need to be signed and agreed before trading transactions occur. Through the terms and conditions of the transaction, the responsibilities and expectations of all the parties have been clearly illustrated and a written agreement has been given to do business simultaneously. Failure to prepare the terms of your exchange means that you can be left with the conditions set by the party with whom you are doing business with. If you work under the terms of the debtor, you will rarely have the advantage.

  Solutions for excuses from debtors 

Being confident is a key to recovering debt easily, being prepared with pre-built answers, common questions or excuses, can help build your confidence, and about any negotiation between you and the debtor Allows to focus and control. Be prepared by the facts, records and clear understanding of the customer's history before you call.

  Control with flexibility, clear expectations and record keeping 

If you ever need to file a complaint, it is very important that you have clear and concise records of actions and events that are proceeding for the court's decision. Being able to show flexibility is important and possibly all possible before filing a complaint. There is no magic wand for collection of debt, each debtor and situation is different. We recommend that you listen carefully to understanding and solving debtor's problems with payment.

  Employ debt collectors for bad debt recovery 

The loan collection agencies are trained in all of the above and there is a clear collection process for collecting loans on their behalf immediately and effectively. You are likely to maintain professional conduct in accordance with guidelines as per ACCC debt collection guidelines between you and your debtor from debt collectors. Some companies have lack of confidence to debate about money, especially small business owners who cannot be experts in some areas. When he asks for that money, which is not often the case, he often becomes a lawyer or a desperate one. With more than 80% of companies experiencing cash flow problems, it is important that your company operate with confidence and with positive cash flow. Otherwise, you can have more important consequences and affect overall welfare of your business.

If you are a person who usually adopts a soft perspective, which is in favor of the debtor, or if you think that collecting outstanding debt is stressful, hiring the best bad debt recovery agency is the right solution.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

5 Things to do When 3rd Party Debt Collection Agency Contact You

If you are having a liability to pay, then it is possible that a representative of a 3rd party debt collection agency may contact you. You don’t need to worry about paying the said amount to the debt collector.

There are chances that you can negotiate them in the following ways. 


Make all your facts and figures available and ready so that you can start your conversation. Receive everything in writing If you have signed a contract, read them again and find out what the loan is about and what is the penalties for late payment have already been linked to any interest and penalties Please verify.

 Confirm your credit score and credit report

You can get credit scores online and free or can make simple credits instantly. Your credit score will give you a realistic snapshot of your financial status. This will show you any other past due debts or decisions that can be against your name.

 Get a Financial Advisor

Financial advisors can sometimes interact with your creditors on your behalf. You may also be eligible for free legal assistance from legal centers or legal aid agencies of several Australian communities.

 Communicate immediately 

Once you have completed your preparation it is important to contact your debt collector immediately to avoid further interest and/or legal action against you. If you cannot pay completely and want to talk about a less lump sum or payment plan, then this is where you will need your negotiating document.

 Get it in writing

Ask your debt collector to respect your wishes and communicate only by email or postal mail. There is no phone call, in this way, you can communicate and communicate at your own pace and time, without the pressure and waiting for the debt collector to call again. Even if you have already made an agreement on the phone, then confirm it by email or publication to the company. This will ensure that you will always have a record.

Key takeaways 

At the top, remember that the best part is that you can make your debt collector quickly and on the head. They will respect you for this and you will be surprised how they can be cooperative! You will have very little stress in the long run and you will get better financial status. Contact 3rd party debt collection agency and recover all you debt. We At Debt Nirvana provide Prominent debt recovery solutions. Contact us or visit our

Friday, 20 April 2018

8 Instances When you Should Start Account Receivables Outsourcing

Collecting the outstanding accounts is the most important financial step for your company. The debt collection will add cash flow for your company which helps you to maintain it in a proper way. Besides, most of the businesses are waiting for so long to handle their accounts receivables to any commercial account receivables outsourcing agency.

The chances of recovery go down at least10% for every month if you delay the recovery. Thus, you should consider outsourcing sooner rather than later. Here, we are sharing some of the instances when you should start getting the services of account receivables outsourcing agency.

Customer avoids contact attempts

When your customers avoid communicating with you, then it is a sign that he wanted to delay the payment. The avoidance is not acceptable and you should outsource the debt collector at this stage who will act on your behalf. 

> Refuses to sign a personal guarantee

If your customers are not willing to sign the guarantee, you should ask yourself if you really want to do business with them. This should be a big red flag and there comes the role of debt collecting agency. 

> Customer breaks terms of the original agreement

When your customer breaks the terms of the original agreement, then it is another red light that you should hire a debt collector. Hiring an account receivables outsourcing company sends a strong message to your customers that you are not going to tolerate the breaking of terms. 

Customer breaks their first promise to pay

Unless you are charging interest, don’t give your customers a second chance to break the payment. If your customers break the agreement, then there are chances that they will break it again. 

> A customer only makes partial payments to buy more time

If your customers make partial payments, then you should hire a debt collecting agency as they are much better professionals skilled to get full payment at once. 

> Customer ignores demand letters

The debt collecting agencies also send demand letters on your behalf. This will create a positive impact on your business and you will have the benefit of third party effect on your customers. 

> No time for the outstanding invoices

Many large-scale companies outsource their invoice collection to third-party agencies. It makes sense to give it a professional approach for collecting debts and to concentrate on business development activities. 

> A customer has disputed the product or service and refuses to pay

The debt collecting agency will understand the terms of agreement and conditions so that they will be able to negotiate the disagreement on your behalf. 

Thus, handling your accounts receivables to a commercial collection agency is a good step for your business, as you have better things to do than spending your valuable time for collecting pas dues.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Top 10 Misapprehension of Debt Collection Agency / Debt Collection Services

If you are considering debt collection services from the point of view of media, you might be probably scared about the complex process. There is a lot of drama which will terrify you to think about taking the services of a reputed debt collection agency. Here, we are going to describe some common myths that are associated with debt recovery services.

Myth 1: Debt collectors are scary people who threaten to take goods away

Debt collectors are not having the liability to take out your property, as only the county court Bailiffs and the high court enforcement officers have the legal power to do this.

Myth 2: Debt collection companies will demand large fees

There are many reputed debt collection agencies who are not charging huge amounts. The debt collection services industry is highly competitive and can be adjusted as per your requirements.

Myth 3: I’m better off hiring a solicitor

Hiring a solicitor might be a good idea, but they don’t have special knowledge just like a debt collection agency.

Myth 4: There’s nothing I could have done to prevent this

The debt collecting agencies are not only helping you to collect debt, but they are also helping to find out more about the people with whom you are started working with. They also provide a confidence report to help you make a decision about who you extend credit to.

Myth 5: My debtor is outside the country – I’ll never recover that money

The reputed and experienced debt collecting agencies have build their connections outside the country and across the world. Their world wide connections can ensure that the money you are owned will come back to you.

Myth 6: I’m only a small company – debt collectors won’t be interested

The decent companies want to help everyone to reclaim what they are owned. No matter you are a single freelancer working from home or a huge corporation with thousands of staff, they are offering affordable and experienced services.

Myth 7: Using debt collectors will create negative image in front of debtors

The debt collection agencies are having trained and professional staff that will treat your customers humbly. The staff want them on board and help them find a way to repay their debt to you.

Myth 8: I’ll never see that disappeared debtor again

The agencies are having specialized tracing staff who can access any library or resources to locate your debtors.

Myth 9: It’s difficult for debtors to make payments to a collection company.

As long as the debtors have credit or debit cards, they can make secure payment to the website. They can also pay weekly, monthly or partly payments if necessary.

Myth 10: People who owe me money can be sent to prison

Not paying debts is not actually an offense. They only debt which carry potential prison for non-payments is council tax, license payments and magistrate’s fines.

The research shows that out of 56% of businesses only 1% of turnover will be uncollectible, but the figure does not have to be that way. You can make sure you have got every penny you have earned.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

What Does the 3rd Party Debt Collection Agency Do?

If you are wondering what does the 3rd party debt collection agency do? Then the foremost thought that arrives in your mind that they collect debts. But if you elaborate a little, you will know that they starts the very first bunch of your debts. This is where they started getting it wrong.

It is not their fault. A common refrain in recent press release of 3rd party debt collection agency is that they debt collection agency is making the calls or doing so on their own behalf. It started to creep into the coverage of the debt collection industry about five years ago around the time that the press discovered. There was a whole industry of debt buyers.

What’s the role of 3rd party debt collection agency?

The majority of collection agencies in US work on contingency. This means that they are paid when they collect a specific amount owned by another company and the most of the companies are banks. There are major other business types that are served by debt collectors including auto lenders, hospitals, government, small businesses and every sector of every industry.

Understanding Business models

Many of the people misunderstand 3rd party debt collection agency as financial firms. But their core services are for B2B businesses. When a default consumer credit card account is placed and once the work is completed and they are paid. Accounting in collection agencies is pretty straight forward. On the other note, the debt buyers are having a business model that connects with their names. And the debt purchases are financial firms witch accounting practices which are more similar to large consumers like banks and other collecting agencies.

Collection agencies and debt buyers are in fact linked to each other. Many debt buyers forward their accounts to collection agencies to work on a contingency basis. Also, they do basically the same thing for credit originators (return value of non-performing credit accounts). They just go about it in a different way.


So next time whenever you came across any 3rd party debt collection agency, make sure that their primary business is to collect debt and not to purchase debt. The companies really don’t try to hide the fact.

Monday, 2 April 2018

Credit Reports and Its 4 Main Components

In short, the credit reports is a historical account of a summary of the financial stability of a person, while most reporting skills are liable to pay off debt and other costs, however, be taken into consideration before attempting to obtain a creditable loan.

Credit Reports

The idea is to increase the credit rating integrated history credit of individuals and different types of credit after the transaction, such as ID cards are already in credit card (personal name, period payments, credit lines available, etc.), loans (volume history of payments, crime), and credit can contact (for example, The credit card application). More precisely, it contain the following four central components.

Components of Credit Reports

Identifying Information

Person Names, Social Security Number, Current and Previous, Phone Number, Date of Birth, and Current Employer are identified in a report. As a careful method, these details help to verify the identity of the person, as well as the accuracy of the information.

Public Record Information

Generally, the public record is a product of a local jurisdiction, which may include: bankruptcy, property confiscation, tax collection, payment orders, and child support payments. It shows that the person has been pre-infused or a legal decision has been filed against him or her. It is important information for the lender because it has a good impact. A) It may be a loan and b) the rate and conditions for a loan if it is given.

Other Data

In addition, this will include credit card personalization of the person of the credit card and the complete list of liabilities, the timing of the payment, and the delayed payment of such information and details of the credit union filing. The general rule of thumb concerns the negative credit information, it usually stays in your report for seven years. Exemption is aware of bankruptcy, which can be seen in the public for 10 years.


Inquiries are essential not only for creditors, but also for lenders that are requesting information. Although, the question remains in a two-year report that includes the personal inquiries of the debtors. On the other note, the community based on the above mentioned elements, a person is identified in the question and is at the risk of extending the credit lines.


Because the credit rating of all people is affected by two factors: the way in which they manage their financial balance and their debt. The following results, the credit score of a person can be negatively impacted: crime, credit line, work for the purpose of borrowing money and the law is more than just a court judgment defined by the loan transfer law. The task of the lender is to ensure the responsibility of the person who can handle it. It is a reason to think that the person who has received a debt is able to take a low-income loan with low income and regular repayments.